
List of publications by deployment type #

AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) deployed #

Lim, Aaron, Andrew J. Wheeler, David M. Price, Luke O’Reilly, Kimberley Harris, and Luis Conti. “Influence of benthic currents on cold-water coral habitats: a combined benthic monitoring and 3D photogrammetric investigation.” Scientific Reports 10, no. 1 (2020): 19433.

Bottom-mounted #

Wilson, W. Douglas, and Robert Heitsenrether. “A comparison of current profiles collected from bottom-and buoy-mounted instruments.” In OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2016.

Buoy-mounted #

Wilson, William Douglas, David Velasco, Dan Shumuk, Laura Fiorentino, and Robert Heitesenrether. “Improving Current Measurements from Wave Buoys: Results from a Successful Five-Year Collaborative Development Project.” In OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE SEATTLE, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2019.

Drifter #

Poulain, Pierre-Marie, Riccardo Barbanti, Elena Mauri, and Fabio Brunetti. Drifter dispersion experiments in the vicinity of the Gulf of La Spezia (Ligurian Sea) in June 2007: Data report. OGS Tech. Report 2007/71 OGS 18 SIRE. OGS, Trieste, Italy, 2007.

Zhu, Kui, Lin Mu, and Haiwen Tu. “Exploration of the wind-induced drift characteristics of typical Chinese offshore fishing vessels.” Applied Ocean Research 92 (2019): 101916.

Glider #

Rusello, Peter J., Christopher Yahnker, and Mark Morris. “Improving depth averaged velocity measurements from seaglider with an advanced acoustic current profiler, the nortek ad2cp-glider.” In 2012 Oceans, pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2012.

Todd, Robert E., Daniel L. Rudnick, Jeffrey T. Sherman, W. Brechner Owens, and Lawrence George. “Absolute velocity estimates from autonomous underwater gliders equipped with Doppler current profilers.” Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 34, no. 2 (2017): 309-333.

Todd, Robert E., Taylor G. Asher, Joleen Heiderich, John M. Bane, and Richard A. Luettich. “Transient response of the Gulf Stream to multiple hurricanes in 2017.” Geophysical Research Letters 45, no. 19 (2018): 10-509.

Zeiden, Kristin L., Daniel L. Rudnick, and Jennifer A. MacKinnon. “Glider observations of a mesoscale oceanic island wake.” Journal of Physical Oceanography 49, no. 9 (2019): 2217-2235.

Moored systems #

Chen, Miaoju, and Ming Feng. “A long-term, gridded, subsurface physical oceanography dataset and average annual cycles derived from in situ measurements off the Western Australia coast during 2009–2020.” Data in Brief 35 (2021): 106812.

Thomson, Jim, Levi Kilcher, Marshall Richmond, Joe Talbert, Alex DeKlerk, Brian Polagye, Maricarmen Guerra, and Rodrigo Cienfuegos. “Tidal turbulence spectra from a compliant mooring.” In 1st Marine Energy Technology Symposium. 2013.

ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) mounted #

Bjerkeng, Magnus, Trine Kirkhus, Walter Caharija, Jens T. Thielemann, Herman B. Amundsen, Sveinung Johan Ohrem, and Esten Ingar Grøtli. “ROV navigation in a fish cage with laser-camera triangulation.” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9, no. 1 (2021): 79.

Seafloor lander #

Wheeler, Andrew J., Aaron Lim, Felix Butschek, Luke O’Reilly, Kimberley Harris, and Paddy O’Driscoll. “The “Little MonSta” deep-sea benthic, precision deployable, multi-sensor and sampling lander array.” Sensors 21, no. 10 (2021): 3355.

Haalboom, Sabine, Timm Schoening, Peter Urban, Iason-Zois Gazis, Henko de Stigter, Benjamin Gillard, Matthias Baeye et al. “Monitoring of anthropogenic sediment plumes in the clarion-clipperton Zone, NE equatorial pacific ocean.” Frontiers in marine science 9 (2022): 882155.

Shipboard/Ship-mounted #

Meftah, M. Ben, F. De Serio, M. Mossa, A. F. Petrillo, and A. Pollio. “Current velocity measurements offshore Taranto (Italy): comparison between vessel-mounted and moored current meter data.” (2008).

Ben Meftah, M. , Damiani, L. , De Serio, F., Mossa, M., and PETRILLO, A. F.. “Analysis of current circulation in the Port of Bari.” GeoEcoMarina 17 (2011).

Towed systems #

Kim, Yong-Hae. “Analysis of the turbulent flow and tilt in the codend of a bottom trawl during fishing operations.” Ocean engineering 64 (2013): 100-108.

Wirewalker #

MacKinnon, Jennifer A., Harper L. Simmons, John Hargrove, Jim Thomson, Thomas Peacock, Matthew H. Alford, Benjamin I. Barton et al. “A warm jet in a cold ocean.” Nature communications 12, no. 1 (2021): 2418.